Sunday, February 24, 2013

Homework 02.25.13 to 03.01.13

Since this is SEP week and because we get out of school early all week, homework is going to be a little bit different.  I am going to assign you this week's homework all on this post, and then you will be responsible to make sure that it is all 100% complete and ready to turn in on Friday.  Can you handle that?  I know you can!

1.  ScootPad- Math and Language.  Do ScootPad for 20-30 minutes EACH NIGHT.  You can do math or language.  I will let you decide what you think you need the most help with and choose.

2.  ALEKS.  Do ALEKS for 20-30 minutes EACH NIGHT.  Do your best!

3.  Utah Write- Do Utah Write a minimum of TWO times before Thursday.  We have our DWA on Thursday.  So, PRACTICE HARD!  Choose persuasive essays to practice.

4.  Spelling City- We won't have time to practice in class this week.  So, make sure your Spelling City assignments are complete by Friday.  This week we are on Wonders 5.2. 

That's all for this week.  Make sure you don't get behind!  Keep up the GREAT work!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Homework 02.21.13

Happy Thursday!!! :) 

Are you ready for your homework assignment tonight???  I certainly hope so!  

1.  Spelling City.  Make sure you are ready for your spelling test tomorrow.  We are on Wonders Unit 5.1.  Study hard! 

2.  ALEKSDo 20-30 minutes of math practice.  PLEASE make sure to come and talk to me if there are any concepts you don't understand and you need extra help with.

3.  Do a search on "How to Write a Persuasive Essay".  In Notability, write down 5 things you learned about persuasive essays.  Put this in your Dropbox folder when you are done.

See you tomorrow.  Don't forget to wear your school shirt!!! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Homework 02.20.13

Put your creative thinking caps on and write, write, write! :)
Log on to Utah Write and find the prompt labeled Homework 02.20.13.  You will be writing to this prompt: Write a letter to your parents/guardian persuading them why you should have a big screen television in your bedroom.  Even if you don't want a big screen television in your bedroom, be creative and write why you would.  Don't forget to use the Bing, Bang, Bongo to help you with your writing.

Also, don't forget the hints that we learned in the computer lab for higher scores! 

Make sure your writing includes the following:

* At least one question.
* Long and short words.
* Long and short sentences (sentence variety).
*Other punctuation that will help: colons, semicolons, quotations, commas, exclamation points, etc.  Just make sure you are using them correctly and that they fit into what you are writing.
*INDENT each paragraph.   
* Make a list.  For example:  I think my teacher should read the book FlippedFlipped is funny, entertaining, and has to different points of view from two different characters.  
*  Write a MINIMUM of 5 paragraphs!  The more you write, the higher your score will be. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Homework 02.19.13

Tonight's homework assignment:

  1. ALEKS- Do ALEKS for 20-30 minutes. I am certain that you will be math SUPER STARS by the end of fifth grade!

 2. ScootPad- Since you did math on ALEKS, do reading on ScootPad 20-30 minutes.

 3. If you have time, log onto Spelling City and practice those spelling words.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Homework 02.14.13

Guess what?  I am giving you another Valentine's Day gift!  NO HOMEWORK TONIGHT!!!  Now go and do something nice for someone you love.

Have a SPECTACULAR night!  See you in the morning, and don't forget to wear your school shirt! :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Homework 02.13.13

All of the writing that we are doing this week is helping you! I have been SO excited to see your scores going up higher and higher each day!  I hope that you are doing your best writing and using some creative words.  Make sure and use the list of adjectives from last night's post if you need some extra help being creative. 

Tonight's Assignment:

1.  Log onto Learn Zillion (don't forget that your passwords are on your iPad if you have forgotten any of them).  Watch videos 4, 5, 6.  Some of you may have already finished them in class; if you have, don't worry about watching them again, unless you think you need the extra help :) 

2.  Log on to Utah Write and find the prompt labeled Homework 02.13.13.  You will be writing to this prompt: Think about a book you have read this year.  Write a letter to your teacher persuading her to read this book aloud to the class.  Be sure to give MULTIPLE reasons why.  Don't forget to use the Bing, Bang, Bongo to help you with your writing.

Don't forget the hints that we learned in the computer lab for higher scores! 

Make sure your writing includes the following:

* At least one question.
* Long and short words.
* Long and short sentences (sentence variety).
*Other punctuation that will help: colons, semicolons, quotations, commas, exclamation points, etc.  Just make sure you are using them correctly and that they fit into what you are writing.
*INDENT each paragraph.   
* Make a list.  For example:  I think my teacher should read the book FlippedFlipped is funny, entertaining, and has to different points of view from two different characters.  
*  Write a MINIMUM of 5 paragraphs!  The more you write, the higher your score will be. 

3.  Do at least 10 problems on ALEKS.  Feel free to do more than that if you would like! :) 

Have a GREAT night! See you tomorrow on Valentine's Day!!!  :) 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Homework 02.12.13

We will be writing ALL WEEK LONG!  Practice makes perfect!  :)  I hope that you are doing your best writing and using some creative words.  

Tonight's Assignment:

1.  Log onto Learn Zillion (don't forget that your passwords are on your iPad if you have forgotten any of them).  Watch the first 3 videos.  Some of you may have already finished them in class; if you have, don't worry about watching them again, unless you think you need the extra help :) 

2.  CLICK HERE and scroll down to see a comprehensive list of adjectives. Try to use some of these words in your writing tonight. These words will take your writing from ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY! :) Just make sure that the words you use actually make sense in what you are writing. 

3.  Log on to Utah Write and find the prompt labeled Homework 02.12.13.  You will be writing to this prompt:  Should boys and girls be in separate classes at school?  Why or why not? Persuade me to think yes or no.  Don't forget to use the Bing, Bang, Bongo to help you with your writing.

Have a GREAT night! See you tomorrow :) 


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Homework 02.11.13

Get ready to do A LOT of writing this week! We need all of the practice that we can get! :)  We will be taking the DWA at the end of this month and I want all of you to do your very best writing.  I know how creative you are and I know what a great job you can do, so let's keep on practicing! 

Tonight's assignment:

1.  Write a MINIMUM of 5 paragraphs to this prompt:

Think about your FAVORITE food.  Persuade other fifth graders that your favorite food is the best and why.   
2.  Use the Bing, Bang, Bongo to help you plan out your writing.  (Go back to last week's posts if you need to review The Bing, Bang, Bongo). 

3.  Log on to Utah Write and find the prompt labeled Homework 02.11.13.  It will be the same prompt from above.  Write a minimum of 5 paragraphs.

4.  Did you score above an 18???  I hope so!!!

5.  Go back and look at the hints and suggestions given to you on Utah Write.  I am not going to make you rewrite your essay if you scored below 18, but I want you to make a list of 5 things that you can do to improve your writing.  Put the list in your DropBox folder or bring it to class with you tomorrow so we can talk about it.

6.  Don't forget to read 20-30 minutes!

Have a SPECTACULAR night!  See you tomorrow!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Homework 02.07.13


Tonight's Assignment:

1.  Review the Bing, Bang, Bongo slideshow from last night. 

2.  Take the graphic organizer that you have already filled out (last night's homework) and add any extra information that you think you may need to in order to write a FIVE PARAGRAPH essay.

3.  Log on to Utah Write.  Choose the writing prompt that says, "Homework 02/07/13".  Use your graphic organizer to write your essay.  It has to be 5 or more paragraphs.  Remember, you are trying for an 18 or higher!  DO YOUR BEST WORK!  Think about word choice (adjectives, details, similes, metaphors, transition words, etc.).  Think about expanding your thinking, in other words, BE CREATIVE!!!  The more you write, the higher your score will be!

4.  If you get below a 15, YOU HAVE TO REWRITE YOUR ESSAY.  Yep, that's right.  Rewrite it if your score is below 15. 

5.  Read for 20-30 minutes.  Have you read out loud to anyone lately???  If not, YOU SHOULD! :) 

Have a GREAT night!  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Homework 02.06.13

Tonight's Assignment:  WRITING!!!  Hip, Hip, HOORAY!!!

1.  Review the slide show below about The Bing, The Bang, and The Bongo.
(HINT! It will show a slide that will tell you to do something in Notability. Make sure you do it!)

2. Decide what PERSUASIVE topic you want to write about. You can choose one from the slide show or come up with one of your own.

3. Use the graphic organizer below (or get it out of our homework folder on Drop Box and open it in Notability) and fill it out using the topic you decided on.

 4. That's all for tonight! Tomorrow we will work on putting the essay together! :) :) :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Homework 02.05.13

Tonight's homework assignment:

  1. ALEKS- Do ALEKS for 20-30 minutes. I am certain that you will be math SUPER STARS by the end of fifth grade!

 2. ScootPad- Since you did math on ALEKS, do reading on ScootPad 20-30 minutes.

 3. If you have time, log onto Spelling City and practice those spelling words.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Homework 02.04.13

Learning Objective: I will review math concepts taught in Topic 13.

We have a math assessment tomorrow!  HOORAY!  I know you will do GREAT!  In order to make sure you are ready for your math assessment, you are going to review for the test tonight :)

Tonight's Assignment:

1.  CLICK HERE and watch a review video about multiplying decimals.  

2.  Solve the following problems on Notability (or paper):
          14.2 X 0.3 =                      11.5 X 1.4 = 

           0.2 X .03=                           1.5 X 1.3 =

3.  Now do the review sheet attached below:  (You can also find a copy of the review in our math centers folder on Drop Box).  

When you are done, please put your assignment in your Drop Box folder, or have a copy to turn in to me tomorrow.  

Make sure and write down any questions you have about any of the problems so we can talk about them before you take your assessment tomorrow.  GOOD LUCK!